Figuring Out your thing is something.

It’s tedious and complex. I’ve waited many years before I turned to writing beyond just reading. Like a bee, I like buzzing over the topics of science, history, wellness, and life through books (primarily).

I’m an engineer by education with master’s from one of the top technology colleges of India, National Institute of Technology. A Generalist by craving. Detoured from education background and instead joined Government of India in 2016. Served in Central Intelligence before shifting to administration profile under the government. That’s my bread and butter.

I’ve started “The Curious Knitting” to turn hobby into vocation. To go beyond merely reading to actually creating.

It’s my aim to bring succinct and effective knowledge of big themes that drive our world and share with all. It’s a constant endeavour to bring value to the world. Come, join me in my vocation. We have a lot to share and learn.

You can also find me on Instagram (@thecuriousknitting) and Twitter (@curiousknitting).

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Books are ships that pass-through land and seas and wormholes. Come along, let's grow. I knit in prose and poem.


The Curious Knitting (TCK) began in November 2022 to share my reading and thoughts through prose and poem.